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Corals, A Quick Reference Guide by Julian Sprung

Product #BK-TLCRL

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Description: Corals, A Quick Reference Guide is a comprehensive field guide for aquarists, divers and naturalists. Nearly 700 beautiful photos with descriptions, range, helpful charts about food, light, and water
Brand: Two Little Fishies

Product Information

Corals, A Quick Reference Guide by Julian Sprung

Corals A Quick Reference Guide. By Julian Sprung is a comprehensive field guide for aquarists, divers and naturalists. Nearly 700 beautiful photos with descriptions, range, and the correct pronunciation of the scientific names. Helpful charts offer information about food, light, and water motion requirements, aggressiveness, hardiness and proper positioning in the aquarium. 240 pages, hardcover. The most practical and accurate reference in a single affordable volume.

A comprehensive field guide for aquarists, divers and naturalists, with detailed full color photographs of hundreds of species, encompassing the majority of coral genera one is likely to encounter on reefs around the world.

This book defines corals and distinguishes them form similar hydrozoans, zoanthids, and corallimorpharia. The corals are described and compared to similar looking species, and their range and the correct pronunciation of the Latin name is given.

In addition, for aquarists who grow corals in reef aquariums, information is provided in quick reference charts concerning each coral's requirements for light, water movement, and food, hardiness in captivity, aggressiveness toward other corals, and proper positioning in the aquarium.

About the Author

Julian Sprung began studying marinelife more than 30 years ago in his native South Florida. He is a biologist, author, photographer, and aquarium design consultant. His research of coral reef ecosystems in nature and in specially designed reef aquariums has invovled travel to many countries. Julian writes about his work for various aquarium hobby publications, and his monthly column, Reef Notes in Freshwater and Marine Aquarium magazine has been compiled in a book series called Reef Notes Revisited and Revised. Julian also co-wrote with J. Charles Delbeek the books, The Reef Aquarium volumes one and two, considered the bibles on the subject.

ISBN 10 1883693098

ISBN 13 978 1883693091

  • Weight: 2.4 lb
  • Height: 10 in
  • Width: 9 in
  • Depth: 1 in
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