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Volume 2 Number 1, C Journal Of Aquatic Science

Product #BK-RT-JOURN-V2-N1

Availability: In stock

Description: Volume 2 Number 1, C The Journal of Aquatic Science, Travel and Adventure, Anthony Calfo.
Brand: Reading Trees

Product Information

Volume 2 Number 1, C The Journal of Aquatic Science, Travel and Adventure, Anthony Calfo.

Cheers And welcome to this issue of C the Journal of Aquatic Science, Travel and Adventure.

In your hands you have what I hope you will find to be a uniquely educational and entertaining blend of information on aquatic and reef oriented topics. We begin as a quarterly journal with an eclectic mix of stories and reports from home and abroad. The mission is to bring great natural wonders, above and below the surface, to light for your consideration and reading pleasure. With each issue you will see changing installments that embrace interesting sojourns, aquatic discoveries and the freshest aquarium hobby and science news.

My inspiration for publishing this journal is the same signature that familiar readers of my work will recognize. I take great pride in teaching, sharing and learning. I have also been blessed to spend much of my life traveling through many countries of the world and in both hemispheres. In all places, I actively take notes and make observations and pictures to illustrate the wonders seen. Better still, I have met a remarkable range of fascinating and experienced people with shared interests many of whom you will become acquainted with through their writings in this journal.

Whatever your perspective may be, from aquarium hobby to reef conservation or from aquaculture to recreation and tourism, please know that aquatic ecosystems of the world badly need our continued focus. In too many areas, adequate protection and support is lacking. Yet in most all areas, immediate solutions are rooted in the simple dissemination of good information: the oxygen of understanding. The highest compliment that you could give our aquatic fellowship is to share the information found in this journal freely.

And so, I respectfully charge you in all ways to please carry on gently in this world and to leave each place that you visit better than you found it. Please let this journal help you in that spirit.

with kind regards

Anthony Rosario Calfo

  • Weight: 0.85 lb
  • Height: 11 in
  • Width: 8.5 in
  • Depth: 0.25 in
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