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Microbe-Lift Special Blend 8.5 oz

Product #AD-EL10AQSBL-85

Availability: No longer available

Description: Microbe-Lift Special Blend 8.5 oz bottle. Reduces need for water changes and cleanings, new tank starter for biological cycling and boosting, excellent organic waste degrader.
Brand: Ecological Labs

Product Information

Microbe-Lift Special Blend 8.5 oz bottle.

Microbe-Lift Special Blend reduces need for water changes and cleanings. Also it is a new tank starter for biological cycling and boosting, and an excellent organic waste degrader which also naturally stimulates plant growth. Lowers ammonia levels and biologically reduces nitrates while removing odors and clears cloudy water. Great biological maintainer for established tanks.

Contains both Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter bacteria.

Greatly enhances ability of plants to utilize light, water and nutrients. Breaks down organic residue on gravel, plants, rocks, etc. Great for both fresh and saltwater fish.


These bacteria are compatible with biological filters and UV lights. The UV lights should be turned off for 48 to 72 hours after the introduction of this product. This will allow the bacteria to progress through their most active growth stage. Microbe-Lift Special Blend can not neutralize chlorine, chloramines or heavy metals.

Special blend of beneficial bacteria condition aquarium water

Saves you time by dramatically reducing the need for aquarium water changes!

For freshwater or saltwater use.

16 oz treats a 65-gallon aquarium for over 14 months

  • Weight: 0.65 lb
  • Height: 6 in
  • Width: 3 in
  • Depth: 2.9 in
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List Price: $16.49
Our Price: $10.99
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